Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats
Part 2 It has been estimated that around 20-50% of cats over 15 years of age will have some degree of chronic kidney disease. In ‘Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats Part 1’, we looked at what the disease is and how it can be diagnosed. In this article we focus on how chronic kidney disease […]

Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats
Part 1 ‘Chronic kidney disease’ is a term used to refer to cats with kidney insufficiency or failure. ‘Chronic’ simply means long term. ‘Insufficiency’ or ‘failure’ means that the kidneys are no longer able to adequately perform their normal tasks. ‘Chronic kidney failure’ refers to the situation where the kidneys have not been able to […]

Breeding Chickens
Don’t be clutching at straws this spring! Breeding chickens can be a rewarding experience for the backyard poultry keeper, but also most frustrating when things don’t go to plan. Outlined in this article are the important steps to ensuring your season of breeding is a pleasure, as well as a success. Plan ahead This is […]

Disc Disease in Dachshunds
…..And Other ‘Chondrodystrophoid’ Breeds Dachshunds and similar breeds such Pekingese, Lhasa Apsos and Shih Tzus, have short legs and a relatively long back. These breeds suffer from a condition called ‘chondrodystropic dwarfism’. As a result they can be prone to back problems, more specifically disc disease. What are intervertebral discs? The intervertebral disc is a […]

The Canine ‘Superbug’ Bacterial infections are amongst the top 3 skin conditions diagnosed in dogs and cats, and veterinary surgeons diagnose them on an almost daily basis. Interestingly, the bacteria responsible for these infections are usually present on the skin before problems arise, and only rarely do animals ‘pick up’ these bacteria at the time […]