Preparing your pet for a general anaesthetic
The pre-anaesthetic period – what you need to know Admission Your pet will be admitted to the veterinary practice either by a vet or a veterinary nurse so they can ask questions to help in planning of the anaesthetic. It is important to know when your pet last ate and whether they are on any […]

Osteoarthritis in Dogs
(aka ‘Arthritis’, ‘Rheumatism’, DJD) What is osteoarthritis? Arthritis means ‘inflammation of a joint’. Inflammation is a basic way the body reacts to infection, irritation or trauma and we generally see redness, swelling, warmth and pain. So ‘arthritis’ is actually not a very specific term and there are a number of quite different problems that will […]

Hip Dysplasia In Dogs
Are puppies born with abnormal hips? In this article we will look at some of the most common questions asked about hip dysplasia in dogs. What actually is Hip Dysplasia? Hip dysplasia is a heritable condition in which one or both hips develop an abnormal shape. It is usually painful but the degree of […]

Glucosamine – Why Use it when it doesn’t work?
Since 2000, more than 800 products containing dietary supplements promoted as treatments for osteoarthritis have entered the US market place alone. In 2008, the market for supplements such as herbal medicines, nutritional supplements was $20 billion and rising. Surely, they must be doing something if we spend this much money on them? Maybe..maybe not. I […]

The Ins And Outs Of A General Anaesthetic
What does anaesthesia involve and how will my pet be anaesthetised? Premed – the first stage of the anaesthetic is known as pre-anaesthetic medication, or premed for short. The premed is a combination of a sedative and a painkiller which is given as an injection into the muscle. Your pet will become relaxed and the […]