Diabetes in Cats – is Yours at Risk?
In this article, Veterinary Expert Editor, Dr Susie Coughlan, follows on from her previous introduction to diabetes in dogs and looks at the surprisingly common clinical problem of diabetes mellitus in cats. How common is diabetes in cats? Diabetes mellitus is a relatively common problem in cats. Insulin, produced by specialised cells in the pancreas, […]

Keeping Pets Pain Free After Surgery
Of course your first concern when your pet is scheduled for surgery is ‘how painful are they likely to be?’ Firstly, rest assured that the myth that animals do not feel pain (and so we don’t need to do much about it) has been relegated to the depths! So how do we control pain in […]

What is Cancer?
So, what is cancer? In this article, cancer expert Gerry Polton discusses some general features of cancers in pets and explains some of the important terms you may hear. Cancer is an abnormal growth of tissue that : Continues to grow even if whatever started it is no longer present Doesn’t have the normal […]

Myaesthenia Gravis in Dogs
Locks, Keys and Muscular Weakness In this article, Neurology Expert Laurent Garosi explains an important cause of muscular weakness and collapse in dogs…Myasthenia Gravis. What is myasthenia gravis? Myasthenia Gravis (pronounced my-as-theen-ia grar-viss) is a common cause of generalised weakness in dogs and occasionally cats. It also occurs in humans. What happens in myasthenia gravis? […]

What is tummy tacking?
Last week, Surgery Expert Aidan McAlinden explained the extremely serious and life-threatening condition of Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV), also known as ‘Bloat’. This week he tackles two commonly asked questions by those who have at risk breeds. “What is tummy tacking and should my dog have this done?”. The correct term for tummy tacking […]