How Can We Tell if Dogs and Cats are In Pain?
It’s a very good question! How can we tell if dogs and cats are in pain? In part one of this article, anaesthesia expert Matthew Gurney explains the importance and some of the challenges to providing adequate pain relief for dogs and cats. Do animals feel pain like us? Yes they do. However, for many […]

Periodontal Disease in Dogs and Cats (Gum Disease)
We commonly hear about periodontal disease but what actually is it and why is it so important to us and our pets? Read this article by dentistry expert Peter Southerden to find out more. What is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease is the commonest disease in dogs and cats. About 80% of dogs over three years […]

Brachycephalic Upper Airway Obstructive Syndrome (BUAOS)
Last week surgery expert Aidan McAlinden explained what a brachycephalic dog was and outlined some of the clinical problems that are associated with the conformation of these popular breeds. In this article he explains a potentially serious breathing problem that can affect brachycephalic breeds – brachycephalic upper airway obstructive syndrome. Too much soft tissue and […]

What is a brachycephalic dog?
This week, surgery expert Aidan McAlinden explains some technical terms related to the shape of the skull and what this means for brachycephalic dog breeds. What is a brachycephalic dog? Brachycephalia refers to a flat and wide skull shape. In dogs, it is the opposite to the skull shape of long nosed breeds such as […]

My dog has a heart murmur. What does this mean?
Whenever the word ‘heart’ is mentioned we always fear the worst. Heart murmurs are a relatively common problem in dogs and in this article, Heart Expert Nuala Summerfield explains what a heart murmur is and clarifies that not all murmurs in dogs are a sign of a more serious problem. What is a heart murmur? […]