Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Tests for Pets
Before your pet has an anaesthetic your veterinary surgeon may discuss with you pre-anaesthetic blood tests, amongst many important considerations. All of the information provided to you is vital to ensure you are made aware of all of the risks and benefits to your pet associated with anaesthesia and surgery. What is the aim of […]

Dog Aggression to Owners
If a dog is showing threat towards or biting family members it is perhaps one of the hardest problem behaviours to live with. Not only does it place the family at constant risk, but it can also be very hard to understand why a dog that is loved and well cared for behaves this way. […]

Ear Disease in Dogs
Ear disease is a very common problem in dogs, and most vets working in practice will diagnose it on a daily basis. A dog’s ear canal is an L-shaped tube lined by skin and it culminates at the deepest part with the ear drum. The ear flap (pinna) and canal help to funnel sound waves […]

Hip Dislocation in Dogs
The hip joint is made up of a ‘ball’ (the femoral head) and its respective ‘socket’ (the acetabulum). The ball and socket configuration allows a wide range of free movement during normal activity. Hip dislocation in dogs occurs when the femoral head loses its close association with the acetabulum. It can dislocate in a range […]

Fear Aggression in Dogs
Fear is one of the most common triggers for threatening or aggressive behaviour in dogs. But what is fear, why do some dogs become fearful of things that won’t actually harm them and what makes some of them go to the extreme of using threat or aggression when they are feeling afraid? What is fear? […]