Cataracts in Diabetic Dogs
Diabetes mellitus can occur in dogs and can lead to the development of cataracts. What is diabetes mellitus and how can it affect the eyes? Diabetes mellitus is a disease complex that is characterised by an increased level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Glucose levels are not only elevated in the blood but also […]

Pet Bereavement – Understanding and Coping with Grief
In her previous article, psychologist Dr Susan Dawson gave an insight into pet loss and euthanasia. In this article she explains how to understand and cope with grief following the death of a beloved pet. Grief Grief related to pet bereavement can be really intense. Pet bereavement can cause really strong emotional reactions, sometimes greater […]

What is Elbow Dysplasia in Dogs?
In an earlier article about Elbow Dysplasia in dogs, orthopaedic expert Rob Rayward helped us to understand the ‘normal’ elbow joint. Here he looks into elbow dysplasia in dogs; a common cause of lameness in growing dogs. What is Elbow Dysplasia? Elbow Dysplasia simply means ‘abnormal development of the elbow joint’. The term Elbow Dysplasia […]

Pet Bereavement – Understanding Loss and Euthanasia
Given the option, the death of our pets is a topic most of us prefer not to talk about. It can cause intense anxiety and may also evoke awkward feelings in relation to our own mortality. Yet an unavoidable aspect of becoming attached to our pets is the inevitable experience of grief in relation to […]

Patellar Luxation in Dogs
To understand why patellar luxation in dogs occurs, and how it can be treated, it is helpful to understand a little anatomy. The quadriceps muscle is the large muscle at the front of the thigh and is responsible for extending the stifle (knee) joint. The patella (kneecap) is a bone that is attached to the […]