Archive | Breathing problems

Dogs can become infected with lungworm by eating infected snails


In this article we focus on Angiostrongylus vasorum (A. vasorum) which is also known in the UK as ‘Lungworm’ or ‘French Heartworm’ (it was first documented in France in 1853). It is now found across most of Western Europe, with occasional cases reported in the USA, South America and Canada. It is important to know […]

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Breathing Difficulty in Dogs and Cats

Having trouble breathing is, at the very least, an uncomfortable experience, but can also be life-threatening if your pet is unable to take in enough oxygen to their lungs when breathing in, or to get rid of enough carbon dioxide from their lungs when breathing out. What can cause breathing difficulty in dogs and cats? […]

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Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs

What is laryngeal paralysis? Laryngeal paralysis is a condition where the larynx (voice box) fails to open the vocal cords when breathing in. This makes it difficult to breathe, particularly when active, which results in a spectrum of symptoms from noisy breathing and reduced ability to exercise through to life threatening obstruction of breathing in […]

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Feline Asthma

Part 2 ‘Feline asthma’, sometimes referred to as ‘chronic bronchitis’ or ‘allergic airway disease’, is a term used to describe chronic lower airway disease affecting the small tubes (bronchioles) within the lungs of cats. In the first part in this article series, feline expert Elise Robertson explained what feline asthma is and how your vet […]

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Feline Asthma

Part 1 What is feline asthma? ‘Feline asthma’, sometimes referred to as ‘chronic bronchitis’ or ‘allergic airway disease’, is a term used to describe chronic lower airway disease affecting the small tubes (bronchioles) within the lungs of cats. In human medicine, asthma and chronic bronchitis are considered two independent conditions; however, some people may suffer […]

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