Feline Asthma

Part 2 ‘Feline asthma’, sometimes referred to as ‘chronic bronchitis’ or ‘allergic airway disease’, is a term used to describe chronic lower airway disease affecting the small tubes (bronchioles) within the lungs of cats. In the first part in this article series, feline expert Elise Robertson explained what feline asthma is and how your vet […]

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Feline Asthma

Part 1 What is feline asthma? ‘Feline asthma’, sometimes referred to as ‘chronic bronchitis’ or ‘allergic airway disease’, is a term used to describe chronic lower airway disease affecting the small tubes (bronchioles) within the lungs of cats. In human medicine, asthma and chronic bronchitis are considered two independent conditions; however, some people may suffer […]

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Blocked Cats Part 2

In the first article on blocked tomcats we looked at what a ‘blocked cat’ is and the signs to look out for. In the second article, emergency expert Shailen Jasani describes how this condition is managed, what steps you can take to try and prevent it from happening, and what the outlook is. How is […]

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Addison’s Disease

What is Addison’s disease? Hypoadrenocorticism (or Addison’s disease as it is more commonly known) is a disease where the body does not produce enough steroid hormone. Steroids in the body are primarily produced by the two adrenal glands which are found in the abdomen close to the left and right kidneys. The main steroid hormones […]

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Seasonal Canine Illness (SCI)

Seasonal canine illness (SCI) is a potentially life threatening syndrome seen in dogs that have been walked in woodlands in the 3 days prior to falling ill.   SCI was first identified in 2009 at the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk and around the same time, cases were also identified in Thetford Forest (Norfolk), Sherwood Forest […]

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